Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Semuanya relax je
Walau apa pun inilah masa utk relaxxxxx
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Petikan dari The Star , semoga dapat menambah sedikit pengetahuan bagi menghadapi keadaan masakini.
GIVING feedback is one of the most important interpersonal skills for any manager.
The purpose of constructive feedback is to provide information that will contribute to improvements and create better results.
For feedback to be useful, it has to be actionable, otherwise it's likely that the situation or behaviour will recur.
Whenever you are giving feedback, keep in mind that you'll probably have an ongoing relationship with this person, so use your feedback to reinforce good relations.
Let's say that you're giving constructive feedback to a member of your staff. Here are five steps to help you give good feedback:
Make sure the time is right. The sooner the better, but if you're upset about the situation - or your employee is - take a "timeout”. This is preferable than giving or receiving feedback when one of you is already in a bad mood.
The way you say something can have a great impact on the listener. Depending on your choice of words, you can establish an amicable feedback environment or a hostile one.
Saying, "You need to do..." or "You're not doing this properly," can put the receiver on the defensive from the get-go. Using the pronoun "you" makes the comments personal and can be interpreted as condescending or highly critical. Instead, say "I noticed that..." or "I understand that..." Beginning feedback phrases this way discusses the action or behaviour that needs to be changed, not the person.
Positive feedback acknowledges good contributions and work well done. Give specific examples of what the person did well.
Doing so is more meaningful than a general "Good job!" comment that can be said to anyone, any time, and doesn't even have to be sincere.
Let the receiver know the positive impact his contributions had on the department or organisation so he understand the results - this also lets him know that you see it and appreciate it. In addition, reinforcing the positive encourages more of the same.
When giving constructive feedback, discuss what happened, not how you feel about what happened. Focus on the situation, describe it, and stay objective.
Give a reason why it's an issue and state the impact it had on the rest of the staff, the organisation or the customer.
When you stick with the facts, you can discuss them more easily. Being specific and clear assists the listener in understanding the issue and what requires changes.
It's not up to you to come up with all the solutions by yourself, although you can offer suggestions that you think would be helpful.
Make a point of involving the recipient in this crucial part of the feedback process.
This way, the recipient has some ownership and involvement in decision-making, which will result in a greater commitment to see that it's implemented.
Working together finds better ways of improving the situation and will likely create a solution that is acceptable to both of you.
Offering constructive feedback can seem like a daunting task. If it is approached with the intention of making improvements and creating better situations, rather than criticising and judging, it is positive input that gets beneficial results.
- The Star 20-12-2008
-Source: ST/ANN
Article by Laurie Wilhielm, the author of Express Yourself to Success.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
masa cuti
Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at
Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Why do the babies starve
When there's enough food to feed the world
Why when there're so many of us
Are there people still alone
Why are the missiles called peace keepers
When they're aimed to kill
Why is a woman still not safe
When she's in her home
Love is hate
War is peace
No is yes
And we're all free
But somebody's gonna have to answer
The time is coming soon
Admidst all these questions and contradictions
There're some who seek the truth
Tell me Why do the babies starve
When there's enough food to feed the world
Why when there're so many of us
Are there people still alone
Why are the missiles called peace keepers
When they're aimed to kill
Why is a woman still not safe
When she's in her home
Love is hate
War is peace
No is yes
And we're all free
But somebody's gonna have to answer
The time is coming soon
When the blind remove their blinders
And the speechless speak the truth
Tell me Why do the babies starve
When there's enough food to feed the world
Why when there're so many of us
Are there people still alone
Why are the missiles called peace keepers
When they're aimed to kill
Why is a woman still not safe
When she's in her home
Love is hate
War is peace
No is yes
And we're all free
Talkin’ bout a revolution
Talkin’ bout a revolution
Don’t you know
They’re talkin’ bout a revolution
It sounds like a whisper
Don’t you know
They’re talkin’ about a revolution
It sounds like a whisper
While they’re standing in the welfare lines
Crying at the doorsteps of those armies of salvation
Wasting time in the unemployment lines
Sitting around waiting for a promotion
Don’t you know
They’re talkin’ bout a revolution
It sounds like a whisper
Poor people gonna rise up
And get their share
Poor people gonna rise up
And take what’s theirs
Don’t you know
You better run, run, run, run, run,
run, run, run, run, run, run, run
Oh I said you better
Run, run, run, run, run, run, run,
run, run, run, run, run
Finally the tables are starting to turn
Talkin’ bout a revolution
Finally the tables are starting to turn
Talkin’ bout a revolution
Talkin’ bout a revolution
While they`re standing in the welfare lines
Crying at the doorsteps of those armies of salvation
Wasting time in the unemployment lines
Sitting around waiting for a promotion
Don’t you know
They’re talkin’ bout a revolution
It sounds like a whisper
Finally the tables are starting to turn
Talkin’ bout a revolution
Finally the tables are starting to turn
Talkin’ bout a revolution
Talkin’ bout a revolution
Talkin’ bout a revolution
Masa tu kita orang do kat 446-C Kg Baru.
Umah ni Midon yang rekomenkan pasal dia ada kawan kat situ.
Kapten Hamid selalu gak lepak kat situ, lama dah tak jumpa Hamid.
Shah punya la syok kat lagu ni, sampai naik motor tak ingat pakai helmet.
Bukan dekat bro, dari kg baru sampai ke Ampang park baru ingat tak pakai helmet...
Shah kalu ingat mesti gelak gile nya lah.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Maafkanlah Kesalahan ku...
Awek SS memang comel-comel.Ada yang rambut blonde, ada yang macam Mazuin Hamzah dan macam macam adaaaa.
Petang-petang dok lepak kat "Planter Height" sementara tunggu bas balik ke Repoh, mata terkebil-kebil tengok marka SS.
Berat jugak hati nak tinggalkan dia orang ni....
Midon,Surya,Nuar ,Mail & Hanapiah ada contact dia orang tak?
Kalu ada, tidoq luarg hang nantiii....
Satu lagi aktiviti utama masa dok sana, gi ke panggung Mahkota tengok FAO.
Kat Kangar nampak muka budak Repoh je, Midon tak leh join pasal dekat ngan rumah dia.
dan masa tu memang rasa buat kerja gile, tapi kalu tak keje lagi giler ,pasal masa tu ekonomi tengah teruk .....
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Heavy Metal
Kita layan Heavy Metal lak....
Lagu ni memang top masa tu.
Siap pakai jean koyak gi kelas
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Holidayyyy ????
Lagu ni memang feeling giler masa dulu bro..setaip bilik dok pasang lagu ni je.
Masa part one,Pukul 2 pagi start jamming masa tu aku dgn Mail lepak kat Perindu satu,tiap-tiap malam.Join budak Interior Design (Jack the Dragon) dan Sn Budak Civil (Wan).
Siang hari lepak kat Kenanga Inn gerai Noramin , ada kala sampai satu hari pas u malam pi lagi.
Yang paling aku ingat Abang Noramin slow talk dgn aku, masa tu aku rasa macam aku cakap dgn pak aku ,pass tu aku pon berubah la sikit.
Sayangnya dua-dua member aku ni kantoi semester tu, lepaih tu insaf skit leer.
Kalau tak aku dok holiday dgn depa tu le jwbnya.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Develop A Winning Attitude
THE job market has traditionally rewarded those who have made the extra effort in school with higher compensation and better opportunities for advancement.
To take your career sky-high, your first challenge is to do a reality check. Ask yourself:
• How much am I doing to keep abreast of developments in my field?
• How much am I investing in my own development?
• How competent am I when engaging with others?
• What is my overall attitude to those whom I serve, work with and report to?
The workplace offers intrinsic benefits like career development, in terms of skills learned, social interactions, financial discipline plus other core skills such as computer literacy. It also offers opportunities for personal development. Ask potential employers about their attitudes and practices toward training, promotions, exposure to travel and new situations, job rotation and performance appraisals. These aspects of employment will develop your skills and nurture your chaiacter. Together, these will ultimately help you carve a career that “knows no limits”.
Seek out companies with a great working environment as it cultivates in you a sense of respect and dignity, irrespective of your rank.
What differentiates a career from a job? A career is viewed from a long-term perspective. It involves making an investment that over time is expected to yield rewards. On the other hand, a job is more transient and refers to the role you currently occupy. It is driven by the attitude of “what’s in it for me?” Great careers create a sense of passion and pride in people. When you make the-size of - the wage p?cket a priority, you usually sacrifice other important and beneficial aspects of the job that are crucial for your ‘development and progress.
If you are looking for a career that has no limits, you must be willing to take some risks. Careers that are fulfilling and exciting involve challenges, taking responsibility, being empowered, being accountable and, where necessary, taking appropriate risks.
Many people look for positions that are secure and pay a reasonable wage, and are then content to go with the flow. The trouble with most streams is that they flow downwards.
Instead, Look for employment that forces you to swim against the tide, make you think, and allows you the opportunity to engage with others who are different and even difficult.
Finally, to turn your hopes and dreams into reality you need to reflect on where you want to see yourself in the next three years. Your plan provides a road map of the way forward you have to do the driving.
Source: ST/ANN
• For more on jobs, please refer to category 515 in Metro Classifleds and StarJobs in / StarTwo.
Glory-glory Engineering
Glory-glory Engineering............ (3x)
Coz in sport we aint got lost yet.
Glory-glory Engineering song
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Berita Kepada Kawan
Jumpo kawan Lamo
Berita kepada Kawan
Lamo kito tak jupo
Still Loving You
Friday, October 24, 2008
Bantuan Segera
Ooooo kalau macam tu betul la Zanariah manufacturing tu batch kita jugak.
Aku ni nama jer satu tempat kerja dulu tapi kalau ngan pompuan tu aku
memang tersangat la malu macam dedalu la kiranya.
Untuk pengetahuan kengkawan, Zanariah sekarang di dalam kesusahan
husbandnya (Ibrahim dulu Omron berhenti masuk Texas) diserang cancer mata
dan Zanariah tak bekerja lagi untuk menjaga husbandnya di hopital.
Lampiran adalah photo dan sedikit cerita tentang penyakit husbandnya di
ambil dari Omrunet groups (group Omron).
(See attached pic)
Kalau kengkawan rasa kita perlu memberi sumbangan maka elok la kita lantik
seorang sebagai pengumpul dana dan serahkan kepada Zanariah.
Perjumpaan di Restoran Man
1. Lan Nawi
2. Napis@Bulat
3. Man (Tuan Rumah)
4. Zul
5. Nizam@Black
6. Isyak@Mat Pen
7. Sumali@Anjang
8. Midon
9. Mahadzir
10. Ibrahim
11. Nuar
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
ReUnion EN15 1987-1989- Still got the blues-Update
Yang hadir:
- Hamidon sekeluarga
- Syed Badrisham sekeluarga
- Surya sekeluarga
- Fadzil sekeluarga
- Aziz Ismail (Electronik) sekeluarga
- Noorshah dan anak bongsu
- Sepiah dan Akir sekeluarga
- GD dan Balkhis sekeluarga
- Creeman x dapat hadir kerana ada kenduri di Melaka